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Menu with Submenu    ||   Statutory Declaration under RTI Act. 2005   Download File.    ||   Examination Routine For Mid-Semester - I   Download File.    ||   Download Registration Certificate For Intermediate Science Stream Session 2022-24   Download File.    ||   Download Registration Certificate For Intermediate Arts Stream Session 2022-24   Download File.    ||   B.A Registration Data Session : 2022-25   Download File.    ||   The result of Arts (Hons.) Part II Examination 2020 has been uploaded under Tab STUDENTS CORNER   ||   Tender Notice   Download File.
College Related Documents
Sl. No. View/Download
1. Reservation For Students as per Bihar Gov.
2. Sanction seat for teaching staff
3. Documents related to Curriculum Delivery
4. Admited Student List (2018-19)
5. Admited Student List (2019-20)
6. Admited Student List (2020-21)
6. Admited Student List (2021-22)
7. Admited Student List (2022-23)
8. Students Placed